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Life Coach Agreement Form

"Helping women get from where they are to where they want to be, one B.I.G.G. step at a time." 

This agreement between: Lisa McPhail (Life Coach) and ____________________ (Client.) Lisa agrees to provide coaching and other like services for Client during scheduled sessions.


Description: Coaching sessions are a creative process that educate and inspire the client to maximize their personal and professional joy and potential. Lisa is skilled at drawing out the root of her client’s current challenge and then mastering new beliefs and behaviors that can lead to realizing their hopes and dreams.


Coaching Disclaimer & Waiver: All coaching services and communication, email or otherwise, delivered by Lisa McPhail (your “Coach”), are meant to help you identify the areas in your life and in your thinking that may be standing in your way. This agreement is for coaching, not psychotherapy. While coaching can work with issues such as identifying and reaching life goals, and changing the behaviors that aren’t
working well for you, coaching cannot deal with issues such as depression and anxiety. For issues such as these, you must see a Physician or Licensed Mental Health Professional in your local area. As your Coach, I will not diagnose or treat any medical or psychological conditions. By signing this agreement, you
are agreeing that you understand the difference in these two functions and you will get appropriate professional help for mental health issues if necessary.


I understand that coaching is, at present, an unregulated industry and that my Coach is not licensed by the State of Texas or any other state. I understand I am free to ask questions at any time about my coach’s background, experience and professional orientation.


I understand and acknowledge working with my Coach is collaborative and results I achieve are my sole responsibility. I understand and acknowledge my Coach will not be liable legally or otherwise, for the actions I may or may not undertake as a result of these coaching sessions.


I understand working with my Coach does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease, and is in no way to be construed or substituted a psychological counseling or any other type of therapy, medical or legal advice by a qualified professional. I agree to seek independent professional guidance for such matters as needed. I understand if I am currently under the care of a mental health professional, it is my responsibility to inform my Life Coach and inform my mental health provider of my life coaching sessions.


I agree to communicate honestly, be open to feedback and assistance, and to prioritize the time and energy to participate fully in each session.


I understand that for all legal purposes, the services provided by my Coach will be considered to be provided in the State of Texas or geography of Client.


I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my well-being during my coaching sessions, and subsequently, including my choices and decisions.


I understand that coaching is not a substitute for counseling, psychoanalysis, mental health care or substance abuse treatment, and I will not use it in place of any form of therapy.


I understand that my Coach is not promising outcomes. I understand all comments and ideas offered by my Coach are solely for the purpose of aiding me in achieving my defined goals.


I understand that to the extent our work together involves career or business, spiritual growth and personal growth, S.M.A.R.T., goals, communication skills, confidence development, achieving and maintaining balance and healthy boundaries.


Services: The parties agree to engage in monthly, bi-weekly, weekly or “as needed”, sessions in-person, based on geography, as well as phone and video conferencing. Lisa McPhail will be available to Client by e-mail and voicemail in between scheduled sessions for check-ins as needed. Both parties agree an initial assessment will be given to clearly define short- and long-term goals for client, everything from spiritual/personal growth to communication skills. We will use these goals as a foundation to create a strategy for obtaining them.


Schedule & Fees: This agreement is valid as of (MM/DD/YYYY), __________________. The fee is $95.00 per individual session or $465.60 for a package of six sessions, (Savings of $116.40). All individual session fees and session package fees are paid in advance. Acceptable forms of payment Lisa accepts is PayPal.


Cancellation Policy: Client agrees that it is the Client's responsibility to notify Lisa McPhail 24 hours in advance of the scheduled session to cancel or reschedule. Lisa acknowledges that emergencies and last-minute challenges happen and will attempt to accommodate carefully. Client will be charged for a no-call missed session. Also, due to the scheduled times of other clients, a client may be prohibited from their full hour session if they are running late.


Coach Availability and Emergencies: In the event of a medical emergency or an emergency
involving a threat to your safety or the safety of others, please call 911 or the appropriate emergency service to request assistance. Your Coach is not licensed to handle these matters.

Insurance: Because coaching is not a medical treatment, typically insurance will not cover the cost. Some employers may cover some of the cost of coaching. It is your responsibility to pay for coaching and get reimbursed by your employer if that is the case.


Confidentiality: All information obtained in the course of the professional service is confidential unless there is a compelling professional reason for its disclosure. In all circumstances, coaches will be judicious in the amount of information that is disclosed. Coaches may disclose confidential information without the consent of the client only as mandated or permitted by law. Coaches must disclose certain confidential information as required by law or if the confidential information may put the client or others at risk of harm or compromise their well-being. I understand that my Life Coach will protect my information as confidential unless I state otherwise in writing. If I report child, elder abuse or neglect or threaten to harm myself or someone else, I understand that necessary actions will be taken and my confidentiality agreement limited in this capacity. Furthermore, if my Life Coach is ordered by a court to provide information or to testify, he or she will do so to the extent the law requires.


Coaching Relationship: I understand the relationship between Life Coach and Client is different from most other relationships; it is a “professional” one rather than a social one. Although the coaching relationship relies on trust, life coaches are ethically obligated to maintain a professional relationship and are not permitted to engage in dual relationships, which include, but are not limited to, friendships, social relationships, romantic relationships, and business relationships, with current or past clients. Because of this, interactions like the following are prohibited: inviting the Life Coach to social gatherings/functions, becoming “friends” on Facebook or other social networking sites, offering gifts, writing references for clients, entering into “business” agreements, or relating in any way other than within the professional context of coaching These safe practices are in place for the protection of both client and life coach and for the best possible life coaching outcome of the client.


Minors: I understand my Coach does not see or communicate with minors (under the age of 18).


Electronic Communications: You understand that the confidentiality of Electronic Communications (E.C.) cannot be guaranteed. E.C. may include, but are not limited to, email, text messages, Skype, Zoom and other video conferencing options, and voicemail. E.C., are inherently vulnerable and insecure and may result in the unintentional harmful disclosure of personal information. You acknowledge that you implicitly consent to Lisa McPhail sending E.C., to you by: a) your inclusion of your email address on Lisa McPhail’s forms, by providing your email to Lisa McPhail in session, or c) your sending an email, text message, or other E.C., to Lisa McPhail. You acknowledge that Lisa McPhail may not read or respond to E.C., until the next scheduled appointment and that you will not use E.C., for emergencies. You understand sessions will be held in-person, over the phone or through video conferencing. Email contact regarding logistics and scheduling is welcome at


This is the entire agreement of the parties, and reflects a complete understanding of the parties with respect to Coach and Client relationship. This agreement supersedes all prior written and oral representations.

Thank you for your trusted business!

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